an innovative writer, and a musician persuader
One who actually gives a shit about the world I live in
native of the USA my momma payed her way to brooklyn
Talk about life changing in front of your eye
from a farm in Barbados to a flat in Bedstuy?
She hussled all her life, smiled in spite of the strife
never much success in love, married the wrong guy.
had a baby, 84 way before my time
I had realized this world was ill, by the age of nine
momma working days & nights& weekends, overTime-
-I began to see the fallacies of working 9 to
we were still broke without a dime
***This money make this world go round...if you want, get down
Just try forget who you are, and go and get you a job***

Nothing wrong with hard work in this world but who you working for?