So, this is what I would call the wonderful uncomfortable struggle. I have been a full time studio rat for one whole week. I have been writing my songs, co-writing and co-producing for other artists, assisting Ricky as an engineer, and confirming our first all ages show in Brooklyn next Saturday. All the while filing for unemployment and applying for day gigs on Craigslist, but no sign of my last paycheck!...and the first of the month is hurdling towards me. I know it'll be here but they making a brother sweat.
Anyways, I have been toiling away with 12 hour work days, cutting on my record (Chicken Wing Tumble Weeds), engineering for singer/songwriter Jeremy Grenhart (who is the truth by the by), and writing SONGS! My theory is proving true so far, I look forward to working every morning...I just dont look at my wallet anymore, lol. I have these moments of doubt that confound me but I refuse to be stifled. People believe in me and want it to work so it must. I always say that I am not afraid of failure, but I just realized that I also must not be afraid of success.

Keeping it short today, gotta get back to this grindage. If you see me in the street gimme a good word.