"We wish Fabian the very best—his last day at The Food Trust was October 19. We know he will go far with his many talents, passion and dedication – to music and children’s health!" So my home gurl sent me this from a work email I assume. I really Purrciate that. Teachers, colleagues, and friends have been calling and writing me all week. For some reason people think I could be depressed or on suicide watch...must be that whole recession thing I keep hearing about. Maybe they are right and Im just too focused to realize that my life is spiraling out of control...or something.
For my people, I am fine. Pork Fried is stronger than ever. Ricky is losing his mind in a great way, he's talking 100 bangers before February and I believe it. I'm finally learning what it is to be an artist "If you gotta spray paint out your butt onto a canvas to create your art, then that's what you gotta do to give people yourself." No anal paint shop for me though, but I am debunking some of the myths of the Modern Day Rapper/Singer/Reggae man. Im gonna have alot of really good music for people soon, and those tough times will have to be dealt with when they arrive.
On another note, STOP BREAKING INTO Rah's Car, ASSHOLE. The illest bassist in the city, and my homey has had his car broken into like 3 times in the last three months! Nobody's luck is that bad, some degenerate is following him and breaking into his car at gigs. Now, we as performers have a responsibility to promote our shows and generally let our fans know whats up with us. We shouldn't have to be concerned about being vandalized or robbed because we are public figures. We're still broke, this ain't MTV man,that kind of shyt sets us back and makes us uneasy about doing the thing we love...so stop it.

That be all for the day,and remember...Support your local rockstars!